25 years of the SMS: Does it have a future?
The first SMS was sent from a computer to a mobile phone on Dec 3, 1992. SMS has been responsible for revolutionizing the way we communicate with our peers. If you want to simply send information to your contact, all you need to do is fire up the SMS app, type your message in brief and tap the ‘Send’ button. Now, SMS is celebrating 25 years of its existence, looking back at the first one sent on 3rd December 1992. Neil Papworth in 1992 created history when he typed the world’s first SMS and sent it to Vodafone’s Richard Jarvis. The message that he sent read — ‘Merry Christmas’. Unfortunately, technology wasn’t as evolved as it is in 2017, which is why Jarvis couldn’t reply to the message due to the lack of a texting-supported keyboard. These days, SMS is considered one of the lifelines for communicating on the move. There are billions of messages sent across each day, most them being promotions from telemarketers. In fact, certain verification systems for financial in...